Contact Information

You can reach us by sending an e-mail to the most corresponding e-mail address listed below. We will try to handle your matter as soon as possible, but bare in mind that the Crew is working on a volunteer basis and not monitoring this 24/7. For less personal matters you can also ask us via our Facebook page.

You can also get onto Discord and chat in #helpdesk with someone from Boardmembers  or crew, there’s almost always someone on. If that crewmember can’t answer directly he or she will contact someone who can. 

FO-number: 3059355-6

If you have any questions related to our events or just want to get in contact with the crew:

If you have paid your tickets but haven’t recieved them or are experiencing problems with your payment, please contact the following e-mail address:

The same address can be used if you have a bill for us and by chance are missing billing information.’

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